Showing category "Feast Days and" (Show all posts)

Maximizing Your Time in Prayer

Posted by Dr. Kesha on Saturday, April 1, 2017,

Maximizing Your Time in Prayer

Original Post on MARCH 17, 2017

How do we maximize time in prayer? First, we need to acknowledge why we're not getting the most out of our prayer experience. One of the problems we face is nondisclosure. Nondisclosure is the failure to reveal or disclosure and bring about revelation, this is nonproductive, and it will keep you in cycles of discontentment. It is a manifestation of bondage.

Therefore, we stay bound in our situations longer than necessary because of f...

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Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep It Holy!

Posted by spreadingtruthministry spreadingtruthministry on Saturday, October 1, 2016, In : 7th Day Sabbath 
Let Us Remember What God has Required

You will be surprised to know how many people are opposed to keeping the commandments in the 21st Century and this is unfortunate. They teach the concept of being "under the law," and this is a fallacy. To be under the law, you must break it. Law breakers are the only ones subject to the penalties, not law abiders. The devil is mad at the thought of your obedience to God. He doesn't want you to inherit the Kingdom of God. He clearly understands what is req...

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Posted by spreadingtruthministry on Sunday, June 5, 2016,

This blog is for those who have a conflict in their spirit with the business model that the church world has adopted for churches. The church is not a business contrary to this modern day belief, but she is the Body of Christ whose head is Christ Jesus, not the IRS, state, and the federal government. Watch & for the foundation basis of the concept and then read this blog for the further understanding of...

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The End Times: Are you prepared?

Posted by spreadingthetruthministry on Saturday, March 14, 2015, In : Signs of the Return or Christ & the End of World 

The End Times: Are you prepared?

Written January 8, 2009 at 4:29 pm & Revised March 14, 2015

For some time now the topic regarding the "End Times" has been troubling my spirit. Many have been taught that saints or believers in Jesus Christ would not have to experience the Great Tribulation during this period or the hardship will be minor in comparison to those who believe not. Some believe that the natural disasters that will occur on the earth will only affect non-believers and the saints will...

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Clothing & Fashion with Idols & Occult Symbols

Posted by spreadingthetruthministry spreadingthetruthministry on Saturday, March 14, 2015, In : The Worldly Influence & the god of World 

Clothing-Fashion with Idols and Occult Symbols

November 9, 2013, at 3:23 am

Grace and Peace. Prayerfully, you will receive this in the spirit given as a means to warn the people of God regarding the wiles of the devil. Below is a list of clothing or fashion with occult, satanic, Illuminati, and Masonic symbols on it. This is only the beginning, so feel free to add to the list if something is missing and as you discover something new. We are helpers of one another, and it’s important that Godâ...

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Tetrad or 4 Total Lunar Eclipses=Blood Moons??? End of World?

Posted by spreadingtruthministry spreadingtruthministry on Saturday, September 13, 2014, In : Signs of the Return or Christ & the End of World 
Watch & Pray. There are prophecies concerning what many call a Tetrad or 4 total lunar eclipses that will occur beginning Passover 2014 and ending on the Feast of Tabernacles 2015. Is it the same as what the Bible call the "Blood Moon"? According to NASA (2014), a Tetrad is a series of 4 consecutive total eclipses occurring at approximately six-month intervals. A total eclipse happens when the entire Moon is shadowed. During this time the Moon appears red when light beams into the heart of Ea...

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Star of David or Hexagram?

Posted by spreadingtruthministry spreadingtruthministry on Saturday, November 9, 2013, In : Beware of Symbols 

Star of David or Hexagram?

Historically, the Jewish people were offered a symbol shape of a Hexagram called the Star of David by Viennese Jesuits in 1648 on demand of the German Emperor Ferdinand III, who wished to assign flag of honor to the Jews of Prague for their help in the Thirty Years War. After the Jews of Prague had received their flag, the hexagram began to spread in the Jewish community and was used in synagogues and during festive occasions. In fact, many rabbis vehemently opposed ...

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Are We There Yet? Looking for the Return of Christ & The End of World

Posted by spreadingtruthministry spreadingtruthministry on Saturday, April 28, 2012, In : Signs of the Return or Christ & the End of World 

Are we there yet? Is this the end? Looking at the current times, political theater, social events, and the natural disaster occurrences it signals many truths. Read Matthew the 24th chapter in its entirety in the King James Bible. According to Matthew 24:3, the disciples came to Jesus privately to inquire regarding the sign(s) of his return and the end of the world. Jesus initially responded by telling his disciples “let no man deceive you.” Why? The initial sign of Jesus’ imminent retu...

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These are the Feast of the Lord

Posted by spreadingtruthministry spreadingtruthministry on Saturday, April 28, 2012, In : Feast Days and/or Holy Days God's sign 

Did you know that God has festivals, celebrations, and holy days? The Bible calls them feast days. Leviticus 23:4 says: “These are the feasts of the Lord, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons” (, 2010). In this passage of scripture, God gave specific days that he wanted his people to remember and never forget. These are the feast days mentioned in the chapter: Seventh Day Sabbath, Passover, Feast o f Unleavened Bread, First Fruits/Pentecost/F...

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Beware of Evil Works or Practices: Tapping into the Supernatural

Posted by spreadingtruthministry spreadingtruthministry on Saturday, April 28, 2012, In : Works of the Devil 

Today’s generation teaches tolerance and acceptance of all types of practices that are against God and his word. As the return of Christ approaches, and knowledge increase, the culture is becoming more open to all kind of satanic influences through entertainment and the social media. It is our responsibility to protect ourselves and those we love against the wiles of the devil using the whole Armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-18). According to Deuteronomy 18:10-13, there SHALL NOT be found among...

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The Importance of Righteous Living

Posted by spreadingtruthministry spreadingtruthministry on Saturday, April 28, 2012, In : Life Style 

After we receive salvation, we still have to live in a world that is full of lust, self-indulgence, pleasure, disobedience, hatred, and false teachings and it can be difficult to decipher between what is acceptable or not. How should we navigate? Some say this and others say that, but what does the Bible say? Is God's word only for the days of old or former years or is it still applicable and relevant in today's society? You be the judge. Are the righteous suppose to be different from the wor...

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What is Salvation?

Posted by spreadingtruthministry spreadingtruthministry on Saturday, April 28, 2012, In : Salvation 

What is Salvation?

Posted by on Saturday, April 28, 2012

What is salvation? Is it necessary? How can we obtain or maintain it? These are very common and important questions. Fortunately, the Word of God has plenty of answers and information to guide an individual who is interested in learning more about the topic. What is salvation? Regarding its usage, the word salvation appears 163 times in the King James Version (KJV) Bible. The word is known to be associated wi...

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